
SFPC Global Connectivity

The T-shaped fuel jetty has a total length between outer mooring dolphins of 320m and depth alongside of 14.6m. Tarbert jetty facilitates liquid fuel imports for both the 620MW Tarbert Power Station and the NORA (National Oil Reserves Agency) 250,000m3 national strategic storage facility.

The Tarbert terminal is situated on the lower Shannon Estuary near Tarbert, Co. Kerry. The power station comprises two 60MW and two 250MW oil-fired turbines. Its principal function is to help maintain security of electricity supply in Ireland’s all-island Single Electricity Market (SEM) by being available to operate on quick responses to peaks in national energy demand.

NORA currently stores a range of oil products – Petrol, Diesel, Gas Oil, Kerosene, and Jet Fuel in oil storage facilities located in key ports in Ireland. Tarbert is a key facility satisfying NORA’s strategic infrastructure requirements in Ireland.